CUBBIES – 3-5 Yrs
EXPLORERS – K-2nd Grades
GRAPPLE – 3rd-6th Grades
Jr. HIGH – 7th-8th Grades
6:00 to 7:30 pm with 5:45 pm arrival EVERY WEDNESDAY
DINNER — Join us for FAMILY DINNER at 5:30 pm. Parents are welcome to stay and eat with their children.
In an effort to streamline the registration process, please use the above link to register your child(ren) in the correct group, as listed above. It is REQUIRED that these forms be completed by a parent/guardian for each child before attendance on Wednesday evenings. If you are unable to complete the required form, please contact one of us, or the church office, and we will assist you.
For Grapple and Explorers youth, you may be aware that we have had you sign a release form if you would like to permit your K-6th grade age child to leave without a parent. That form may also be accessed above or it can be sent home the first night, so please plan to pick up your child in person the first night.
We are so excited to see your family again!
Leah Phillips – Cubbies director 509.288.1572
Jen VanTine – Explorers director 509.288.1293 or 397.9076
Shawna Kneale – Grapple co-director 509.288.1360
Salome Strickler – Grapple co-director 509.553.1412
FBC Church Office – 509.397.4676
5:30 pm

Cubbies is for our 3 – 5 year olds (Preschoolers) and meets in the downstairs classroom area in FBC. Preschoolers can hardly wait for their next Cubbies club meeting. Whether it’s the fun puppets, the exciting games or all their Cubbies friends, they simply love it. At Story Time each week, preschoolers learn about God – the greatness of His love and His Word – and about His Son, Jesus Christ, the promised Savior. Non-competitive games build excitement and reinforce Story Time lesson themes. Cubbies helps you lead your child to God early so your child will respect and trust Him for life. For more information contact Leah or the church office.

Explorers is for K-2nd graders and meets upstairs and to your right at FBC. Explorers spend the year digging deep into the Bible, exploring the promises and love God has for us. Using a book-by-book format, every session brings the Bible to life through rich study and engaging Bible objects, equipping kids with foundational Bible knowledge and skills, and encouraging them to live what they learn everywhere they go.
For more information contact Jen or the church office.
Grapple is for 3rd – 6th graders and meets in the Sanctuary (big room to your left) at FBC.
Gapple engages third through sixth-graders by answering their questions about God and the Bible, guiding them through this pivotal life stage to grow in Christ’s grace.

Jr. High students (Grades 7 & 8) meet Wednesday nights from 6-7:30
For more information, contact the church office.

High School students (Grades 9-12) meet on Sunday nights from 7-9 p.m.
For more information, contact Mark or Jen, 397-9076