What to Expect:
Sunday School:
Beginning at 9:30 am, we have classes available for every age, from nursery to adult, a place for everyone!
The Worship Service:
Our worship service begins at 10:30 am and ends around 12:00.
We sing, pray, and hear God’s Word read and preached. Our music is a blend of traditional and modern hymns and worship choruses. We are a multi-generational church. In the same way that we have a wide range of ages, you will also see a wide range of dress, from suits and dresses to jeans and t-shirts. Wear what makes you comfortable and you will fit in!
The Kids:
Your children are important to you and we take serious the privilege of caring for them during the service. We have nursery for children age 0-2. Ages 3-6 join us for the early part of our service, then go to children’s church right before the sermon. All our children’s workers have been screened with background checks, and there is security personnel roaming the halls during the service. We want your children to be safe.
After the Service:
When you visit, please stay a while after the service, it is a great way to meet people and for us to get to know you. Our loving church family welcomes you. We hope you will join us!